Thursday, May 27, 2010

Until Tuesday. . .

Hello Fellow Blog Followers,

This will be a short post, but I wanted to make sure to write something because we aren't going to be back at a computer until Tuesday. Here's some of the activities that we will be doing during that time. . . we are so excited!

Bird Watching
and attending the 21st Century Pan Festival where they will play songs from the 21st century on steel pans!

I will have a lot to report with the next entry.

Today was a very special day...we started it off with Hannah AB's birthday. There is more to share with her about her birthday, but she doesn't know what it is yet. . .I'll tell you about that with the next post too.

There was no rain today so the Habitat group was able to go to work. Here at the orphanage we have cleaned cabinets and started the work of organizing the library. If I had more time I'd tell you the issues that we had with replacing shower nozzles. . .that still hasn't been finished. Maybe I'll have more time next time to write all about that, but I'm sure I'll have plenty to say by then with all the stuff we have planned.

Until Tuesday. . .

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