This morning at 8:15 AM we started our work here in Trinidad. We climbed down from the Top of the Mount and started our service projects for the week. I am here at the nursery with 6 students, Gustavo, and Amanda (one of our students from UNC that has joined us this year). Maggie, Afreya, and I put on a new bathroom door. The first time I've ever done something like that! It wasn't easy. Other projects around here have included washing dishes, sorting clothes in the kids'closet, fixing a shelf, tightening the lines on the clothesline. . .If they ask us to do it, we do!!
I am including a few pictures from our journey so far. You should see a picture of some of us at the airport, our view from the air as we made our way across the Caribbean Sea and our view from the Top of the Mount.
Last night we had an epic game of Taboo when we came home. While we were playing Taboo, much of the rest of the country was celebrating. They had their election yesterday and for the first time, the citizens of Trinidad elected a female Prime Minister!! Kamla Persad-Bissessar is the Prime Minister elect!!! Quite exciting. We are getting the opportunity to talk to people about politics which has included asking them why they have a red finger. We learned that when people vote here they have to dip their finger into ink that is very hard to remove (the ink, not the finger!). That way no one votes twice. Cultural experiences are happening all over the place :)
tonight--we'll see what's store for us. Personally, I want there to be a big effort to finish our 1000 piece very complicated puzzle. It's getting there!
All of the kids want me to pass on hello messages so I won't do that individually, but you should know that all of your kids say hi!
Until next time,
Wow, I miss it there! I hope you all are having a great time-it sounds like it.