Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Light Restaurant

Last night it started raining. And raining. And raining. We also noticed that there were more frogs around and tons of termites flying around our house. (The frogs were outside, the termites were inside). Battling the elements goes with the territory around here. We were happy for the frogs which were WAY bigger than the frogs that we have at home. We joked that the light outside our house was a "restaurant" for the frogs as we watched them stick out there tongues to grab dinner.

Since it was still raining this morning, we decided to go for a half day to our sites. The Habitat project was cancelled for the day so the kids are working in their offices instead. I'm here with a group of kids at the orphanage where we have replaced a light bulb, cleaned and straightened a closet and removed stuff from the floor of one closet that was leaking.

After lunch both groups will meet up at an Indian Bizarre down the street from the orphanage. I'm not sure what that entails, but I'll write more about it tomorrow.

I've been at the orphanage all three days so far that's why I don't have pictures of the Habitat folks and there is no picture taking of the kids here so that's why I don't have pictures from here. I will bring some pictures in tomorrow or the next day of other fun things that we are doing here (like when Jamilah and Gustavo created a mango net in order to get mangoes that weren't ripe yet.)

lovin' it and lovin'your kids,


  1. Hi Toni!

    Love the blog!

    Today is Hannah's birthday, so please pass on birthday wishes from her mom, dad and brother.



  2. Ha ha ha ha!!! Jamilah loves mangos. I think it is her favorite fruit. We all miss you! Have a wonderful time. All is good here in the 'Bull City'. Love you smooches <3!!!!

